Tests that contain the draft-watermark are under development and may be incorrectly testing a feature.



raster image of pattern-01-b.png raster image of pattern-01-b.png

Operator Script

Run the test. No interaction required.

Pass Criteria

From top-down the appearance of objects is as follows.

The top rectangle should be filled with a pattern composed of a green rectangle on top of yellow rectangle. A default stroke has been applied to the original rectangle to see the boundary of the rectangle.

The next rectangle has no fill, but has a thick stroke on which the pattern is applied. The pattern consists of 4 colored rectangles.

The next item is a text with a pattern on the fill. The pattern appears as alternating rows of orange and green.

The last item is a text with a 2 user unit stroke on which a pattern is applied. The pattern appears as alternating columns of maroon and blue.

Test Description

Test that the viewer has basic capability to handle patterns on fills and stroke of objects and text.