SVG 2 Flowed Text

SVG 1.2

SVG 1.2 flowed text is complicted: 11 elements:

  1. flowRoot
  2. flowRegion
  3. flowRegionExclude
  4. flowDiv (includes text and graphics)
  5. flowPara
  6. flowSpan (tspan)
  7. flowRegionBreak
  8. flowLine (line break)
  9. flowTref
  10. flowImage
  11. flowRef

Partially implemented by Batik and Inkscape

Text flowed inside a Chinese coin. Text wraps around hole.

Text flowed into a Chinese Coin. Done in Inkscape.

Text flowed into three circles.

Text flowed into three circles. Done in Inkscape.

SVG 2 Requirements

SVG 2 Proposal

Rely on CSS Exclusions and CSS Shapes:

Shapes defined by SVG elements.

	  <circle id="mycircle" cx="150" cy="150" r="125"/>
	<text x="100" y="100" font-size="18px" text-align="justified"
	  line-height="125%" wrap-margin="25"
	  shape-inside="url(#mycircle)">This is a mockup of...</text>
Text flowed using CSS Exclusions.

Text flowed into circle using CSS Exclusions.

	<text x="100" y="100" font-size="18px" text-align="justified"
	  line-height="125%" wrap-margin="25"
	  shape-inside="url(#mycircle),url(#mysqare)">This is a mockup of...</text>
Text flowed into two regions using CSS Exclusions.

Text flowed into circle and square using CSS Exclusions.

Note: The way I have specified the flow regions conflicts with CSS. I am told the correct way to do this is with CSS Regions. That seems overly kill for our needs.

	<text x="100" y="100" font-size="18px" text-align="justified"
	  line-height="125%" wrap-margin="25"
	  shape-outside="url(#mycircle1),url(#mycircle2)">This is a mockup of...</text>
Text flowed into two regions using CSS Exclusions.

Text flowed into circle but excluded by two other circles.

Lines and paragraphs

SVG doesn't have <br/> and <p>/</p>; rely on CSS Text 3 properties:


Additional properties of interest:

Note: 'x' and 'y' are ignored when flowing text but can serve as a fallback for SVG 1.1 renders.

Doug's proposal

A simple proposal for defining a rectanglular wrapping context using the width/height, top/right/left attributes.