CSS3 Transforms and Animation Experiments

I’ve been experimenting with CSS3 3D Transforms and Animations. Currently only Firefox and WebKit browers support these features. Don’t use these in production. The specs are not finalized! Note to those reading this in Graphics Planet… the feed strips out the style elements that are required for the animated image. No JavaScript used, only CSS with inlined SVG. You can see more examples including a stereo version of the dodecahedron at my SVG and CSS page.



You must be reading this via Graphics Planet. Go to my blog site to see the animation.

Multicolor Dodecahedron

SVG 2: Now is the time to act!

The SVG working group is close to finishing a review of all the proposed new features for SVG 2. This is the time to make your voice heard if you want something added to the specification! While a final SVG 2 standard is probably two years away, things can show up in browsers earlier. SVG 2 will consist of a core standard plus modules and references to other standards, especially those from CSS 3, some of which are already approved or are close to being approved. You can now use CSS 3 Colors inside SVG in browsers. This allows, for example, describing a color in terms of HSL as I’ve done in the example below:



Appearing relatively soon will be CSS 3 Transforms which includes both 2D and 3D transforms. All the major browsers already support 2D transforms in HTML with Firefox and Chrome supporting some 3D transforms (at the moment one must use browser specific prefixes but that should change in the next couple of months). Expect this support to extend to SVG in the near future. (Hover over the box below! All done with CSS!)
There are a number of items that Inkscape users and developers have expressed interest in seeing added to the SVG specificaition. If you have something you want to see added, leave a comment. There are some things that the SVG working group is open to adding but nobody in the group is willing to spend much time on them. If someone in the community were to step up, the likelihood that they would be added would be much greater. One item in this catagory is connectors.